Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sasori Jane

I became pregnant in august and was supposed to be due in may. Although Sasori had other plans. While I was pregnant I did not take very good care of myself. I went to the doctor very little due to living situations at the current time with my boyfriends mom. I didn't feel Sasori move for a really long time. Finally she started moving and kicking me it felt so amazing. She loved techno and beethoven. When I moved back to my dads I started attending the doctor regularly like I was supposed to. First time I went back to the doctors they did an ultrasound and found that my amniotic fluid was very low. Second appointment we found out there was too much fluid on her brain. Every time we would go to the doctors they were never able to figure out the sex until one night I was eating dinner and started to have back pains a few hours later my abdomen started contracting and I went to the hospital to go get it checked out. They put the monitor on me and an hour later they sent me home saying I wasn't contracting. They told me to go home and get some rest and take some tylenol. The next morning I woke up still having really bad abdominal cramps so I called my doctor to make a follow up appointment. She asked me to come in right away because what I was experiencing was not normal. I went in and found out I was already a centimeter dilated. They tried everything they could to stop my labor but Sasori just wanted out. I had her at 1:56 am on february 4th and she passed on february 6th at 12:56 am. She was 2 lbs 2 oz and 12 and a quarter inches long. When we took her off life support it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Now when things get hard I just think to myself "do it for sasori".  We took a bunch of pictures of her.

mommy and daddy holding her for the first time.

my mom holding baby sasori.

grandpa holding sasori
grandma and grandpa
her first bath

right after she was born

photoshopped by elyssa

a mothers love is everlasting

her tiny little hands
her cute little feet
uncle tay holding his niece for the first time

1 comment:

  1. Ginger :-) I loved it. very heartfelt just remember god will not give you more then you can handle. Love you
